Integrating the land and natural resources with a landowner’s vision is critical to plan preparation and foundational to achieving desired conditions. Desired conditions are specific to the landscape, property features, and landowner preferences. Landowner preferences often include provisions for forest environment/health; resilience to wildfire and significant weather events; habitat quality/diversity; and scenic quality/seclusion.
I can help landowners understand, plan, and manage their land by:
* Assessing on-site conditions, concerns and opportunities with the landowner.
* Tailoring plan details and management practices to meet the landowner’s vision of desired conditions.
* Helping the landowner liaison with local government agencies and contractors.
* Assisting with project design and implementation to improve forest health/diversity; reduce wildfire hazards/risks; reduce streambank/soil erosion/landslide risks; improve elk/deer habitats; and locate/design low maintenance recreation trails.